Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2017 - Web Hosting and VPS Deals

There's plenty of competition in the Web Hosting space these days. For me, the primary factor that differentiates a web hosting company from the rest of the crowd is customer service and uptime. An added plus is environmentally friendly infrastructure. I'm happy to endorse a web hosting company that I personally have used for four years - several of my family members' personal and small business web sites are hosted by Turnkey Internet. I keep them honest by by using several free, third-party uptime monitoring tools (a topic for another blog post). I can count on one hand the number of times I received any downtime alerts in these four years. I have also submitted tickets for various questions and found the response time to be excellent.

Turnkey Internet's data center is located in upstate New York, where it gets most or all of its power from hydroelectric (Niagara Falls) and solar power. It is on a very short list of EPA Energy Star rated data centers! I looked through this list and found that it is hard to get anything other than co-location service, if service is even open to the public, from most of the other data centers on the list. It gives me some peace of mind that my web sites have as little environmental impact as possible, especially for something that has to be powered on 24/7/365.

Finally, it's just a damn good deal. Their Black Friday deal has cPanel web hosting for just $1 a month if prepaid for 3 years in advance, which is not as bad as it sounds because that's just $36. There's no nickel-and-diming - I've never had any overage or excess charges, and storage and bandwidth usage is "unlimited". It does require you to be a little web savvy - cPanel web hosting is not like the overly-advertised web hosting solutions like Wix or SquareSpace.

They also have a 1 GB KVM VPS for just $3.59 a month if you prepay for a year! That's about the lowest as you'll find anywhere for a 1 GB KVM VPS (most cheap deals are for the OpenVZ/SolusVM type, which is on a shared kernel with other VMs on the same physical host).

FTC disclosure: I may receive compensation if you order service from Turnkey Internet.
Black Friday 2017 - Dedicated Server - Cloud VPS - Web Hosting - TurnKey Internet


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