How to log into web UI for LaView or Hikvision doorbell cam

When I first installed my LaView doorbell cam, setup was fairly straightforward with the LaView Connect app. But I also wanted to be able to view the doorbell stream from my PC. I could never log into the admin app despite following the limited instructions with the cam as well as this ipcamtalk thread. In the year 2018-2019, I thought that I would at least be able to authenticate using Chrome or FireFox like I can with my other IP cams, but the key for the doorbell cam is to use Microsoft IE. There may also be an IE plug-in you can use in Chrome (see above ipcamtalk thread). I was successful logging in with IE11. Here are the steps, with screenshots:

Obtain the verification code from the doorbell cam (behind the security cover). For example, assume the code for mine is FQWERT - most of the documentation online uses ABCDEF:

Next, in Internet Explorer, access the login screen. You'll need to find the doorbell cam's IP address in your wi-fi router's device list. I couldn't find the cam's IP address in the LaView Connect app. For example: . Login with username: admin and password: adminFQWERT (replace FQWERT with your actual verification code).

If you're successful, you'll be prompted to download some Web components. I did not need to be running IE in elevated / administrator mode in order to install and allow the plug-ins. As much as I hate having to install these sketchy components, it's the price you pay for being able to view the stream from your desktop.


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